Epic of Being George Washington

and Declaration of America’s Independence Over High Taxes, Usurpations of Power, and No Economic Growth

by Festus Ogunbitan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/11/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781475952148
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781475952131

About the Book

Purpose of writing this play is to reclaim the dream of the Father of our Nation, President George Washington by adapting his brainy quotes into Greek style epideictic drama. Also, I wish to explore the conflicts and issues in dialectic of exchange and reply in the political responses of King George III of England, and President George Washington who represented the thirteen colonies of America in the struggle for America’s Independence and democratic rule.

I have dramatized President Washington, and King George III’s arguments based on the articles of the Declaration of Independence through the logic of stated assumptions, and unstated assumptions to discuss the logical soundness of the disputes made by each faction on monarchy and democratic rule. I have critically analyzed their line of reasonings with the method of Aristotle’s catharsis and intellectual purification of the soul. Although democracy has been around since the time of the Greeks, but I have examined the recurring ideologies in the evolution of democracy from the Roman era through the overthrow of King Tarquin the proud, 496 B.C., and the emergence of the first twenty senators or Rex Sacrorum, to the foundation of the new democratic system of government, and the reaffirmation of another four year period of presidency during the period of Quinctius Cincinnatus 456 B.C.. The collapse of the full establishment of democratic government came during the time of Julius Caesar 44 B.C. in the early Roman Republican period; but hope for a free and fair world of democratic government of the people, by the people, and for the people returned through President George Washington in the 1776 A.D. According to Charlene Spretnak in The Resurgence of the Real--Body, Nature, and Place in a Hypermodern World, this evolution of political governance can be called a ‘social process of culture.'

About the Author

Festus Ogunbitan obtained an associate degree in Journalism from Sacramento City College, Sacramento California. He also obtained a bachelor’s degree in English Language, and a master’s degree in Liberal Arts from Sacramento State University, Sacramento. During his Liberal Arts Masters program, he adapted the history of how Cincinnatus turned a Roman defeat into victory in the battle of Mount Algidus, and the return of Odysseus from the battle of Troy. These two plays are tilted, Cincinnatus, and A Tale on Homer’s Odyssey. It is from here that he continued to adapt more stories into epideictic plays for education and entertainment.