The Challenge of Palakrine

The Valley

by M. W. Kohler



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/20/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 534
ISBN : 9781475964356
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 534
ISBN : 9781475964349

About the Book

The Challenge of Palakrine, is the third book in Th e Valley series. In The Valley, the first book, we learned of Michaels efforts to save the Valley from the creature who could not be named and finding of his love, Maria. We learned how their children had to face the evil of Narle and how Cory, the son of Michael and Maria, brought all the many races of the Valley and the Plain back to the safety and joy of peaceful living, as the Keeper of the Plain. In The Keepers children: The Realm, the second book, we learned how the Keepers children, Mike, Katie, Morgan and Megan, and the oldest daughter of DeeDee and Tom, Marie, must face a new and more powerful threat. The threat of the Dark Ruler, Maltakrine, and the Dark Magic he possess. We learned what they must do to protect and defend Th e Realm, the Plain, the Valley and the other Domains of magic from him. We also learned of the loves that come into their lives and how they all must also deal with two of Maltakrine’s students.

In this work, The Challenge of Palakrine, we will learn how a greater, more dangerous threat is discovered. We will learn how and when they and their children and the children of all the Domains, who have all been born with very unique magical powers, will have to face this new and frightening danger. Then, there could be the worries of what they failed to do!

About the Author

M. W. Kohler was born in 1948. He has lived a varied and unique life, in which he has found the magic that binds it all together. He shares this magic now, with all of you!