New Money for an Old America

by Frieda Dowler



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/18/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781475967395
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781475967401

About the Book

Hope and deliverance come from unexpected places when five friends living in future post-Christian America win history’s largest lottery. Plans have been made to retire on NASA’s fabricated planet, intended for Christians. Solutions for a nation in peril lie in relocating this large segment of population to The New World. Wilma and Ray Smith’s windfall changes not only their direction but the course of an entire nation.

The Smiths alter plans shortly after winning. Circumstances surrounding their adult adopted sons take them to Navajo Nation, a historic relocation project, where the inequity of past and future is brought to light. Fraternal twins, John and Jake, have taken diverse paths; one guards his secret past with a successful career, living extravagantly, the other descends into the world of alcoholism, living recklessly. Decisions are delayed as they all listen to God’s leading through circumstances, a guardian angel, and a series of dreams.

Will they escape and leave a despairing world behind or will they stay and make a difference? Can new money save an old America?

Find out how change is launched when lives are transformed.

About the Author

Frieda Dowler, mid-western hairstylist, fuses ordinary people's extraordinary stories into snapshots of imagined unfolding adventures in published works; The New World Kingdom of Heaven, and New Money for an Old America. As wife, mother, daughter and business owner she intertwines creativity with responsibility.