There truly is no words that express depth of feelings, just as there is some pain that can’t be smoothed so we redefine it as mountains we climb, challenges we face and hurdles we jump in the life we live. I Left Myself Behind is dedicated to abused women around the world with the need to understand the extent we all go to satisfy the need for affection, attention, appreciation or just acknowledgment positive or negative by the opposite “Daughters of the World” understand these feelings that many times are misconstued as you filling a need of the abuser or you being needed by or deserve to be abused by the abuser, but don’t get tricked by his “Ego Tripping”... thus justifying “The Last Laugh or This Comical Tradegy”.
It’s about forgetting our “Roots-Step Outta the Trap” we step into if we don’t “Let there be Meaning to Living”... many of the abused try to defend the abuser and condenm self thus further enforcing decreased self-worth, decreased self-esteem and assisting the abuser in his lifestyle... true there are some that fall into a one night stand better known as “Delicious Buddies Make Me Smile” mentality and like many rape victims are accused of facilitating the situation to the point of believing same is justified leading to “Melancholy” which is the “Beginning of the End”... love and pain are not the same and not the name of the game.. love and affection are just that love and affection never to be compared with hurt and pain, use and abuse.
“The Beauty of no Pain” the oneness of a great relationship defines the “Where am I where are You” for you can’t say I Raped the Moon “And Moon Remains” the same... thus “If I Love You” becomes the question... it’s not the control it’s the release of control to trust each other, to protect each other, to respect each other, thus giving each other the power over each other that comes with love, cause “There’s No Power Without” it’s about those “Three Little Words”...I love you... said to you and from you to make each other feel like an “Extension of his Perfection“ because that is truly “How We Survive” in life and relationships as we “Keep our eyes on the Future”...”Letting no Hurdle be Disarming”... we want to “Do What We Feel” and not say.
“I Left Myself Behind” for “Life is just Soup”, you need to “Know Oneself”, to forgive oneself, to celebrate oneself, to “Get Grounded” and to begin the “Re-creation of Life”... it’s not what they call you’s what you answer’s not what happens to’s how you react to’s the pain that you’s the defame... it’s the self preservation that’s not the same... it’s the get up and go that defines’s not doing what you know’s not learning the lesson that keeps you from growth... your mantra should be “Smelling My Own Coffee”’s trusting in man and not taking God’s hand that’s sealing your fate... however trusting The Most High and walking out in faith is what will keep you safe...
words to my wife
describe love by the softness of it's curves not the angles of its square corners,
not the pain not the sorry...for love is not there or here or anywhere that has
rough edges it soothes,'s not to protest you, molest, abuse, lose,
booze, snooze or groove you...drain, de-brain,de-fame nor claim, frame or push
its insane on you... for love is blindness, nor darkness...but light,
beauty, truth, comfort, shelter from the rain/pain and the
insane of society. it is the brightness at the end of the is the
fearlessness of the escape, it is the quench of the thirst, the cool of the breeze,
the heat to the fire, the smell of the magnolia, the twinkle of the star, the cure
of the dis-ease, the flight of the hummingbird,the ripple of the water, the taste
of the dessert or the evolution of hell just happiness, it is the coming of
the next moment/second in time, it is the opening of the flower's petals...
it is the purring of the cat, it is the whistling of the wind in the tree
branches...the flickering sunlight through the leaves, the release of the breath
on the exhale, the calm that defies the storm...the i am of the i am...
the power within since there is no power without
that is the love our marriage is about...
words to my husband
what do i see when i see you... beauty from the floor up, fabulous from the head
down, soft warm moist breezes floating across the calm clear blue water, dew
drops dripping down bladesof tall grass reflecting sunlight like diamond facets
shimmering, sparkling, glistering, dancing, romancing...
while gently you caress the air as you move through the space between
us...commanding justified attention as you shower your essence on the world
like spring rain bouncing and pacing on a dirt road, splashing more dust then
water focusing on both where you came from and where you are going
with a mind actively a buzz like bees on a honey comb...i see the scent of a man
and the salt of your perspiratiion and think of the dill in pickles, the tartness of
cransberries with the aroma of musk over taking both of us...
what do i see when i see you...the tulip opens and soak in the sun drinking its
warmth and light...a snowflake melting changing, evolving to whence it
came...soft drip of water in a warm open pink palm rapidly evaporating...the
sting of a bee and the delayed itch of a mosquito bite...summer moving toward
the beauty of fall, the hot and cold of it all...
what do i see when i see you... with closed eyes the rainbows, the pot of gold, the
eyes of the soul, green grass as we bask in the sun making wishes on the moon
with climaxes too soon...the loud drumming of the clock with its tick-tock
spaced decades apart, time running in endless space...wild flowers tamely,
uniformly growing in the garden of life, splashes of brillant colors together
side by side respecting, loving, complimenting each other united in distinctly
unique beauty as the perfume of life...candles burning, flames flickering,
ringlets of smoke escaping to heaven, kids playing in the park, loud smiles, quiet
laughter, people going nowhere everywhere...warming ice to get cold water...
what do I see when I...