Vice Presidential Profiles

Our Forgotten Leaders

by Philip Secor



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/19/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 226
ISBN : 9781475985559
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 226
ISBN : 9781475985542

About the Book

This book is a companion to my “Presidential Profiles”, published in 2008. It provides short bigraphies on each of the thirty-three vice presidents who never bcame president. Most readers are familiar with those like John Adams and Thomas Jefferson who did rise to the presidency and so I have decided to write about those less well known.

Because most of these vice presidents are virtually forgotten today and yet were very prominent and important figures in their time, I have subtitled the book: “Our Forgotten Leaders.” In each biographical sketch, the reader will learn about the childhood and youth of the subject, his educational background, his marraige and family life, his career before becoming vice president, his vicepresidency and his life after leaving office.

About the Author

Philip Secor, the author of a companion book, “Presidential Profiles

” (2008), is the author of other works on a variety of historical subjects. Holding a PhD from Duke University, he has taught at Duke and Dickinson, Davidson and Muhlenberg Colleges and has been Dean at Muhlenberg and President of Cornell College.