Visions Continually Flowing Within My Mind's Eye

by June Clyder Carney



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/14/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781491725870
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781491725887

About the Book

Creative writing tends to have secrets. Many of my poems do. My belief is that the writer should have surprises ... Poetry also feels. How do you know what it feels like? Only the reader can provide the answer to such a question. A poem may become a puzzle that cannot be broken into pieces without destroying its meaning. Poetry should have secrets! Writers have tremendous powers within themselves, even if they are the only ones that can see them. As for me, every poem I compose is done differently. Just take a moment to recall the games Scrabble and Boggle ... the letters must formulate into the best words possible and/or most words that can be found. So it is with creating another masterpiece!

About the Author

I was born and raised on the South Side of Chicago, Il. I was married to “My Marine” a month after he had completed his 4 years with the Corp. in January of 1974 and the two of us were blessed with the birth of our Son in the Fall of of the following year! By the time I was 23 I was a single parent and, with open arms my charming little toddle and I moved in back home to live with my Parents. Shortly thereafter, slowly but surly we all moved to Arizona due to my Father’s failing health as a result of totally unexpected Cancer!

I am currently living in Texas, thoroughly enjoying my 4 Grandchildren blossom into awesome, unique individuals all of their own. Kicking back with a smile on my face I now get to watch my Son and Daughter-in-Law be the “meanies” while I, on the other hand, get the pleasure of doing the “spoiling”! Come on now, All Grandparents alike have earned that Right. And now here I sit with my laptop finishing the last few pieces of of my book after 43 years of writing, fine tuning and struggling from deep within my own self that one day I would share with, if only one other person, a book of my creative expression in print!!!