A funny thing happened on my way to a career

by Bill Saylor



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/18/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781491717240
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781491717233

About the Book

Bill Saylor provides an interesting well written trip through the last half of the Twentieth Century. His insights are those honed by years of an observer who was bound to report the facts. His disappointments and successes are detailed with his humor close at hand. His experience covering the nudist convention is, shall we say, reveling and worth the price of admission.
—J. Richard Gray—Mayor, City of Lancaster, PA

The pleasure of reading Mr. Saylor’s biography and historical narrative comes from his wealth of anecdotes. Enriched by the details of a life lived with passion, spontaneity, and frequently on the edge, readers will be transported by boyhood adventures during the Great Depression, coming of age near the mid-20th Century, career struggles and successes, as well as, personal triumphs and disappointments. For readers familiar with life and personalities in Lancaster, PA in the 1960’s - 1990’s, this is a must-read.
—Sally Lyall—Chair, Lancaster County Democratic Committee

About the Author

Bill Saylor decided to share his life with all his friends. His book begins with his childhood, proceeds to his Naval career, the many jobs he performed, his life as a broadcaster, first in radio, then television, and finally politics. Along the way there is a great emphasis on baseball, a major part of his life. What American kid doesn't have a baseball background?