Calm is the Water

A Guide to Inner Peace

by George E. Samuels



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/3/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 100
ISBN : 9781491730379
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 100
ISBN : 9781491730362

About the Book

In Calm is the Water, we endeavor to still the outside noises so we can listen to the sound of our own heart sound, our own being, and the heart sound of the Universe. Calm is the Water beckons us to let go of the stress and tension of life and take hold of the calm and tranquility that is waiting for us to experience and nurture. We all enjoy the high waves at the seashore but not so much when we feel like we are one in the proverbial waves, beating on the shore or on our very being. Therefore, we must practice the way of inner peace to begin to enjoy the calm and peace we know is there for us, if we seek it. Like happiness, we can create inner peace and know it will calm the waves in our hearts and minds to a point of centering us and, at the same time, helping us to be as calm as the peaceful sea. Calm is the Water provides tips and insights to assist you in gaining understanding, techniques, and assistance. It will spur you to a greater understanding of how we can travel from shore to shore, relaxed, calm, and at peace, no matter what is transpiring around us, helping us to stay centered, relaxed, and to enjoy the quiet, even as we enjoy the music and sometimes the noise. Calm is the Water will help us to obtain that quest of longevity as we calm the seas and avoid burning the bridges at the same time. Be at peace, OM TAT SAT!

About the Author

The author, George Samuels, is an enlightened realized Spiritual Master, Guide, Teacher, Healer, Spiritual Coach, and Poet living in the San Diego area, and he is here to teach and help heal those who seek answers and want to learn in order to help others. Master George has been providing Light, spiritual wisdom, healing, coaching, and spiritual guidance for thousands of people throughout the USA and other countries for more than 30 years. He continues to and is currently helping and healing all who contact him and are seeking Light on the Path. George has written several books of poetry such as Audacity of Poetry, Healing in a Word, With Poetry in Mind, This is Our Word, There is Only Music Brother, Doors to Ancient poetical Echoes, Lovers Should never Quarrel, and The Song of Life.

His websites are
