Edge of Glory
Book Details
About the Book
Present oil prices are destroying the economies of Iran and Russia. Is this what happens when we push two of our biggest enemies to a breaking point? We can only wait and see but. should it happen, how could we possibly fight 3 million men and machines on their soil. If the Russians step in and help nuclear options are off the table, Closing the busiest sea route for oil will cause a spike that could destroy the faltering World economy and enable the Russians to make $billions. We have to stop them and this may be the only option. The best trained soldiers in the world in lightning attacks. Violence, death, destruction, money and sex combine in this almost futuristic look at the world tomorrow..................End
About the Author
Ray Roddy is an Irish-born author and businessman. He was educated in England and made his business debut in Canada where he spent many years before moving stateside with his three daughters and, now, three grandsons. This is his fourth novel.