Living in Process
Basic Truths for Living the Path of the Soul
Book Details
About the Book
Life is a process. We are a process. The universe is a process. Everything is a process and in process. Schaef teaches us an action philosophy that will reconnect us with our deep, long-forgotten spirituality – filling our souls and setting our spirits free. Drawing on inspiring real-life stories, the experiences of professionals worldwide who have participated in her Living in Process training, and her close association with native peoples from around the globe, Schaef shares her evolutionary model for maintaining our balance in the midst of life’s seismic upheavals. With her inimitable wit and charm, she guides us to a larger spirituality and a rediscovery of our personal power. For Living in Process is a moment-by-moment revealing of and reveling in, our life as mystery honoring its challenges, truths, and joys. This is mindfulness at its fullest … I am inclined to hold Living in Process very near to my heart and soul until I have absorbed every morsel of truth. —NAPRA ReView A penetrating vision … One of America’s most sagacious and perceptive writers on the soul’s challenge to find a way of being in the world. —Wendell Charles Beane, religious historian and former chair, University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh A vital and precious guide … A plea for honesty, love, compassion, and respect for the human inner process. —Frederick Franck, author of The Zen of Seeing and To Be Human Against All Odds
About the Author
Anne Wilson Schaef, PhD, DHL, is internationally known as a speaker, consultant, and seminar leader. She has published sixteen books and numerous articles, and her work has appeared on the New York Times bestseller list. She has been speaking and writing on the New Paradigm for many years. Today she devotes her time to leading Living in Process extended residential trainings and writing. She currently lives in Montana.