Time Travelers

Back to New York City at the End of the Roaring Twenties

by Bem P. Allen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/22/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 402
ISBN : 9781491742242
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 402
ISBN : 9781491742259

About the Book

Five science grad students commandeer a top-secret time machine. They send one of their own, John, back to New York City, 1928. There he drops hints to Columbia University science grad students about future scientific developments in the hope of speeding up scientific advances in the future. John makes friends with two men who frequent the Savoy and wins the heart of a beautiful woman who works there. The three men go into business together and overcome extortion attempts by mobsters and bigotry on the part of business rivals. One of John’s friends in the present-time travels to Chicago ten years into the future and another goes to ancient Egypt.

About the Author

Bem P. Allen, PhD is a psychologist. His other books include Growing Up White in America, Social Behavior: Fact and Falsehood, World War II 1939-1948: A Novel About the Aftermath of a Nazi Victory, and Common Sense Versus Wisdom, A Guide to Emotional Control and Rational Thinking.