The Harvest Reaped

From TVs to IVs at Age 50+

by Sam Gendler MD.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/1/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 344
ISBN : 9781491762585
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 344
ISBN : 9781491762578
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 344
ISBN : 9781491762592

About the Book

Born to poor immigrant parents in 1921, author Dr. Sam Gendler grew into a bright, highly-motivated teenager whose potential was recognized by his teachers. They urged him to seek admission into the top schools, and he succeeded, becoming an engineer and founding an electronics company. Despite his success, Gendler was forced to change career paths at age fifty.

In The Harvest Reaped, Gendler shares his life story, telling how he entered the medical field later in life. Battling tough odds, he gained entrance into a Colombian medical school, earning high scores. He later transferred to a California medical school, graduated, and built a thriving medical practice, which included serving as an associate clinical professor in family medicine.

In this memoir, Gendler narrates how, with determination, he navigated a sea of change and his novel life journey led to a successful second career in medicine. He tells how careful planning, diligent studying, and working hard can lead to many successes. The Harvest Reap shares the story of a life well-lived, where at age ninety-three Gendler still attends to his patients.

About the Author

Sam Gendler earned an electrical engineering degree from Polytechnic University of New York and founded and operated Seg Electronics Corporation for twenty years. He later earned a medical degree, was a successful family practitioner for many years, and was an associate clinical professor in family medicine.