Deliver the Urgent Messages for America

The Urgency for U.S. Economic System Reform

by Ling Ling Shi



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/19/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 104
ISBN : 9781491749043
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 104
ISBN : 9781491749050

About the Book

As a servant of Lord Jesus Christ, in the beginning of November 2008, under the calling of the Lord, I step into an amazing journey to write the book “Build An American ARK-the Strategy and Method for U.S. Economic Revival” during the time of the 2008 economic crisis.

In the past five years, the mission from the Lord led me from one station to another, the Grace of God continually carries me in the journey to discover the hidden treasure and economic strength in this land, a land of brave and freedom and dream, to study in depth the poison roots and cancers of U.S. economic and political system which are endangering the U.S. Constitution Dream and our nation’s tomorrow.

The zeal for our nation and people, the zeal for the Word of God brought me to the realm of Rekindle the Hope in America. Now, this book “Deliver the Urgent Messages for America -the Urgency for U.S. Economic System Reform” is born.

Our nation is like a train, where we came from and where we head to depend on who controls the system and who we listen to, the Truth of God or the lost world?

It is written in Micah 6:8, the word spoke from the prophet is the Word of God and the Will of God: “He has showed you, O man, what is good and what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God”. If U.S. government and its systems act justly and love mercy and walk humbly with the Most High Living God-the Creator of the Universe, the train of America will be led to real Hope-the Hope from above.

May God’s Word and His Holy Presence Rekindle the Hope in our hearts.

God is Good! He makes beautiful things out of the dust and ash. His Love endures forever.

—Ling Ling Shi, author

About the Author

Ling Ling Shi immigrated to the United States from China in 1988. She’s a proud Christian who has taken on numerous roles during her career, including engineering teacher, accountant, insurance agent, importer, retailer, newspaper publisher, commercial producer and director, TV program director, songwriter, and screenplay writer. She’s also the author of Build An American ARK: The strategy and method for U.S. Economic Revival.