Take `-EVERY `-PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA; and, take their `-BIRTHDATE `-YEAR; and, add/subtract `-IT, with the `-BIRTHDATE `-YEAR of the `-32nd PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA / President Franklin Delano Roosevelt!!!!!~’ Now `-TAKE the `-DEATH `-YEAR of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (`-45) of the `-YEAR – (`-1945); and, subtract/add this `-NUMBER to `-ANY other `-PRESIDENT’S DEATHDATE `-YEAR `-NUMBER that you are comparing of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA; and, you’ll come up, with; and, to; the `-NUMBER `-35 = RECIPROCAL = `-53; which `-EQUALS, The “WAR of the WORLDS”!!!!!~’
The ROMAN EMPIRE was founded in 27 B.C.; and, dissolved in 1453C.E.!!!!!~’ `-14 = `-7 (+) `-2 = `-72 = RECIPROCAL = `-27!!!!!~’ Another `-53, the United States of America!!!!!~’ `-1453 + `-27 = `-1480!!!!!~’ `-48 = RECIPROCAL = `-84 / `-84 + `-48 = `-132 = (1 x 32) = `-32 = -a Prophetic Number!!!!!~’ The Roman Empire = 1.062 million square miles!!!!!~’ `-1.062 = (1 + 62) = `-63!!!!!~’ Now; The Roman Republic dated from 509B.C. to 27 B.C. = 509B.C. (-) 26B.C. = `-483B.C.!!!!!~’
`-27 to `-1453 –
`-14 = (7 x 2) = `-72 / `-27 = RECIPROCAL = `-72
`-14 + `-53 = `-67 / `-67 = (6 + 7) = `-13
1480 + 483 = `-1963 = “The Year U.S. President John F. Kennedy was Assassinated”!!!!!~’
The Founding of ROME was around; and, in; `-800BC = 800BC (-) 508BC = `-292B.C.
`-29 (-) 2 = `-27
`-805 = RECIPROCAL = `-508 = “Was the FOUNDING of `-ROME in the `-YEAR `-805B.C.”!!!!!~’
`-805 (+) `-508 = `-1313
`-1963 (+) `-292 = `-2255 = `-22.55 = ROUNDED = `-23 = -a Prophetic Number!!!!!~’
`-22 + `-55 = `-77 / `-55 (-) `-22 = `-33
`-77 (-) `-33 = `-44 = “The YEAR the “PROPHET’S” Mother was `-BORN – (`-1944)!!!!!~’
`-77 (+) `-77 = `-154 = 1(54) = “An `-EARTHQUAKE”!!!!!~’
John F. Kennedy = JFK = `-INSIGNIA/MONOGRAM-!!!!!~’
J = `-10 / F = `-6 / K = `-11
10/6/11 = 10 (+) 6 (+) 11 = `-27 = 2(7’s) = `-77 = Death `-AGE of Edward “TED” KENNEDY!!!!!~’
`-313C.E. = the Date of EMPEROR CONSTANTINE’S so-called CONVERSION to “Christianity”; however, he wasn’t `-BAPTIZED until some `-23 years later just prior to his `-DEATH!!!!!~’ The official STATE `-RELIGION became `-CHRISTIAN via EMPEROR CONSTANTINE’s Devotion at this `-DATE!!!!!~’ `-313 is the `-SIGN (INSIGNIA/MONOGRAM) of President John F. Kennedy’s `-ASSASSINATION of which he was a ROMAN CATHOLIC; and, working within his FAITH!!!!!~’ EMPEROR CONSTANTINE was `-EMPEROR for within `-32 YEARS by `-ONE!!!!!~’ EMPEROR CONSTANTINE was `-BORN on 2/27/272; and, `-DIED on 5/22 which `-EQUALS = `-5 (+) `-22 = `-27 within 337AD!!!!!~’ `-337AD = 33AD (+) 37AD = `-70AD = The `-YEAR the “PROPHET” was `-BORN in (`-1970); and, JERUSALEM was ABSOLUTELY `-DESTROYED by the `-ROMAN `-EMPIRE!!!!!~’ See the `-NUMBERS!!!!!~’ EMPEROR CONSTANTINE `-DIED at the tender `-AGE of `-65!!!!!~’ `-65 (-) `-2 = `-63!!!!!~’ `-63 = RECIPROCAL = `-36!!!!!~’ In `-306C.E.; CONSTANTINE succeeded his `-FATHER; and, eventually, with LICINIUS, became a co-ruler of the ROMAN EMPIRE!!!!!~’ He; EMPEROR CONSTANTINE, was `-INFLUENCED; by his MOTHER’S Devotion, to `-CHRISTIANITY!!!!!~ The “PROPHET’S” - CHRISTIAN `-MOTHER; died at the tender `-AGE of `-63!!!!!~’ The “PROPHET’S” `-FATHER `-DIED at the tender `-AGE of `-66!!!!!~’ `-66 + `-70 (The “PROPHET’S” `-BIRTH) = `-136 = (1 x 36) = `-36 = RECIPROCAL = `-63!!!!!~’
New FORMULATION of `-ARRIVING at the `-DEATH `-AGE of `-PARENTS = `-1 of the `-CHILDREN’S BIRTHDAY `-YEARS added to `-1 PARENT’S `-AGE of `-DEATH to `-ARRIVE (`-RECIPROCALLY-‘) at the `-AGE of `-DEATH of the other `-PARENT’S (`-SPOUSE’S) `-AGE of `-DEATH!!!!!~’
Martin Luther who was a German Friar, a Priest, a Professor of Theology; and, a Key FIGURE of the PROTESTANT REFORMATION was `-INCLUDED within the `-NUMBERS!!!!!~’ Martin Luther was `-BORN on 11/10/1483 / 11 + 10 + 14 = `-35 = RECIPROCAL = `-53; and, `-DIED on 2/18/1546 / 2 + 18 + 15 = `-35 = RECIPROCAL = `-53!!!!!~’ `-83 (-) `-46 = `-37 = 3(7’s) = `-777!!!!!~’ He; Martin Luther, `-DIED within his `-63rd YEAR of –LIVING/`-EXISTING!!!!!~’
`-36 = RECIPROCAL = `-63 / `-6 = RECIPROCAL = `-9
`-69 = RECIPROCAL = `-96 = “Yin/Yang”!!!!!~’
`-96 (+) `-69 = `-165 = 1(65) = `-AGE-‘ of EMPEROR CONSTANTINE of `-ROME-‘!!!!!~’
`-96 (-) `-69 = `-27
Martin Luther King, Jr. who was an American Baptist Minister, an Activist, a Humanitarian; and, a Leader of the African-American Civil Rights Movement was `-INCLUDED within the `-NUMBERS!!!!!~’ Martin Luther King, Jr. was `-BORN on 1/15/1929 / 1 + 15 + 19 = `-35 = RECIPROCAL = `-53 / `-1 (-) `-15 = `-14 = (2 x 7) = `-27; and, `-DIED on 4/4/1968 / 4 + 4 + 19 = `-27 = RECIPROCAL = `-72 / `-72 (-) `-27 = `-45 (-) `-1 = `-44 = “The YEAR that the “PROPHET’S” Mother was `-BORN in (`-1944)!!!!!~’ `-1929 = 1(929) = `-29 = RECIPROCAL = `-92 / `-92 (-) `-29 = `-63!!!!!~
`-1968 = `-68 = RECIPROCAL = `-86 / `-68 (+) `-86 = `-154 = 1(54) = “An `-EARTHQUAKE”!!!!!~’
`-1968 = 1(96)/68 = `-96 (+) `-68 = `-164 = (1 - 64) = `-63
`-1968 = 1(96)/68 = `-96 (-) `-68 = `-28 = (-) `-1 = `-27
Martin Luther King, Jr. `-DIED at the tender `-AGE of `-39 / `-9 = RECIPROCAL = `-6 / = \`-36 = RECIPROCAL = `-63 = Martin Luther (Protestant) = RECIPROCAL = Martin Luther King, Jr. (American Baptist)!!!!!~’ Martin Luther King, Jr. married his `-WIFE in `-1953!!!!!~’ Martin Luther was married to his `-WIFE Katharina von Bora for `-21 `-YEARS!!!!!~’ Martin Luther King, Jr. was married to his wife Coretta Scott King for `-15 `-YEARS!!!!!~’ `-21 (+) `-15 = `-36 = RECIPROCAL = `-63!!!!!~’ Martin Luther King, Jr. = MLK = `-INSIGNIA/MONOGRAM-!!!!!~’
M = `-13 / L = `-12 / K = `-11
11, 12, 13 = Prophetic-Linear-Progression!!!!!~’
`-11 (+) `-12 (+) `-13 = `-36 = RECIPROCAL = `-63
FAITH - ISLAM/MUSLIMS - Qur’an (Koran) the “PROPHET” Muhammad took some `-23 years to `-RECEIVE his `-REVELATIONS!!!!!~’ `-23 = RECIPROCAL = `-32!!!!!~’ The “PROPHET” Muhammad `-DIED in `-632C.E.!!!!!~’ The “PROPHET” Muhammad `-DIED at the tender `-AGE of `-63!!!!!~’
From the “PROPHET” Dwayne W. Anderson-!!!!!-’
Queen Victoria served for `-63 Years; and, `-7 Months!!!!!~’ `-63 + `-7 = `-70 = “BIRTHYEAR of The PROPHET”!!!!!~’ Queen Elizabeth II (09.09.2015) has served for `-23,226 Days about `-63 Years; and, `-7 Months!!!!!~’ Queen Elizabeth II at 5:30 pm became the longest reigning monarch in Britain’s History!!!!!~’ Queen Elizabeth II is currently `-89 Years of `-AGE!!!!!~’ She came to the `-THROWN in `-1952 at the `-AGE of `-25!!!!!~’ `-52 = RECIPROCAL = `-25!!!!!~’ `-52 + `-1 = `-53 = “WAR of the `-WORLDS”!!!!!~’
July 20th (Martial Artist Bruce Lee’s `-DAY of `-DEATH) = “The Flooding of the `-NILE” = “The Egyptian `-NEW `-YEAR” = “The `-RETURN of `-ISIS” = “The `-WIFE of `-OSIRIS”!!!!!~’
OSIRIS `-Equals = `-“GOD of the `-AFTERLIFE, `-DEATH, `-LIFE; and, the `-RESURRECTION!!!!!~’