Repo Elf
A Cautionary Holiday Tale Not Suitable for Children
Book Details
About the Book
Travis Johnson is no ordinary kid. He has caught one of Santa’s elves in the act of stealing back a gift! Honcho is no ordinary elf. He leads the special squad that take back gifts from naughty children who were only pretending to be nice. Now Santa must step in to resolve the situation. Can Santa forgive Travis? Will Travis get a second chance to do good? Repo Elf is a cautionary tale more for bigger kids and grown-ups than little kids. But everyone can learn something from this story of an elf seeking justice and a kid’s personal road to redemption.
About the Author
Tom Sims is an author, filmmaker, and fund development professional from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He has written two other books, Gabriella Gigabyte, for children, and Flix You Missed, a catalog about films from the past ten years that are often overlooked. He first mentioned the idea of an elf who repossesses gifts from naughty children in his column, Observations from Big Daddy, which he wrote for Parent’s Guide, a local parenting magazine. He is a single dad with two wonderful daughters who are grown. When they were kids, he did not threaten them with the story of Repo Elf, but he did indeed have a cell phone address book entry called Santa’s Office that he would dial every so often to keep the two of them in line. The number for the entry went to toll-free directory assistance. Please don’t judge him.