Keep Voting, America
Book Details
About the Book
Here is what the US core citizens (the family) can accomplish with help from Keep Voting, America: —Have a better understanding of how the United States evolved. —Develop an honest, moral, industrious lifestyle void of tyranny. —Continue voting to assure the right to run the country at all levels of government. —Have potential to become the pillar of the community as informed active voters. —Reestablish a quality of life. One of many definitions of filling the shoes of a United States patriot is to become a family of community-minded citizens through the United States Family Liberty Plan, an honest enterprise. I hope you give this concept serious thought! By doing so, you support the concept of a more perfect union. A patriot is not defined by how much money and stuff you own. A patriot facilitates the running of this great country. Your family can achieve patriotism as you go unplugged—meet once a week, talk with your family—and study our country’s past and present. When all family citizens, voting age or not, participate in the relearning of the United States’ history, it is possible to strengthen our weakening liberties. Voting is key to the survival of our quality of life. Your council can strive toward transparency, justice, respect, liberty, and the pursuit of a happy and industrious life. Amen, and pass the cup!
About the Author
Attending several colleges racking-up nearly 300 college credits and 77 years of life, I have amassed a huge collection of wisdom through formal learning and hands on experiences. My work history covers a wide range of job descriptions such as taking orders at the diner and drawing house plans: I was even a key punch operator, yuck, the worst job ever. I came from the quintessential American family of a mother/father and two daughters of which I am the oldest. I have a high School Diploma from Orange HS in Orange, CA and an AA Degree in Interior Merchandising from Shoreline CC in Seattle, WA. I was once married: my husband and I produced a son. He (my son) and his wife blessed me with three grandchildren. Volunteerism is one of my cherished adventures: soup kitchen at the Baptist Church in Olympia – I washed dishes, best job ever; sound person for a community theater, what a hoot; a variety of jobs at the local ERA office during election time in the 70s; canvased my town for signatures in Oceanside, CA for a referendum in 2012; Turns out the last three entries ensued the foundation harvesting my attention towards the writing of this book.