Waiting for Mama
Book Details
About the Book
This book is about a woman’s survival of the Holocaust and the loss of her children. Returning to Poland, now Communist ruled, she begins her search. In 1948, she finds them living in America and, in desperation, finds a very dangerous way to get there. She joins a secret underground organization in hopes of escaping to Sweden and from there to America. But it would not be that simple. She is caught by the border patrol and imprisoned. Her family in America is unaware of her tragedy. Years go by before she is reunited with her children and husband.
About the Author
Bozenna Urbanowicz Gilbride, a Polish Catholic Holocaust survivor is married to Richard Gilbride and live in New York. They have four children. Her first book “Children of Terror” co-authored with Inge Auerbacher in 2009 was translated into Polish as “Przerwane dziecinstwo” and German as Verlorene Kindheit”. The book is being used in schools, teaching students what hate did, does, and will continue to do unless we change .For the past thirty years she has traveled across U.S. and Europe, telling her story of survival and family being reunited after thirteen years. At the request of parents, teachers and students this book was written.