The Serpent’s Last Secret

by Gail Logan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/29/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781532026256
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781532026249

About the Book

A missing gem containing the secrets of the universe becomes a cause célèbre when the nearest solar system powers intervene in planet Earth’s future. Included in the effort to obtain the ruby known as the Serpent’s Last Secret is Earth’s twenty-first-century time traveler John Pelletier; the giant mole Murdock (first minister of Mars); Earth physicist Prof. Whitfield; and the sorcerer Vorelis, who, with his two lovely daughters, presides over a fragment of the lost continent of Mu. Written with humor and wit, the novel comes to a stunning conclusion when the nearest solar system powers gather on Mars sixteen thousand years ago in a last ditch effort to save twenty-second-century planet Earth and their own worlds too.

About the Author

Award winning poet Gail Logan, first place World Poetry Movement 2012 ,and author of A MATTER OF LOYALTY, ends the trilogy that began with THE SUNDISK and TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE with her novel THE SERPENT’S LAST SECRET, available along with her other books from iUniverse, Amazon or Kindle. A graduate of LINCOLN SCHOOL, Providence , RI and URI , BA, MA, (English) Gail wrote book reviews over nine years for a major GA newspaper while working in business.