The Griever’s Guide
Pathways to Healing—A 15 Day Guide to Living a Positive and Healed Life
Book Details
About the Book
The messaging process is a tool that allows you to dialogue and write through the negative thought patterns associated with grief and move you toward living a healed life. The messaging process will —guide you through a fifteen-day process of writing and introspection; —allow you to gain an understanding of your emotions and recognize these internal signals for empowerment and healing; —encourage you to gain an awareness to visualization, affirmation, and meditation; and —invite you to be willing to release your grief and allow you to integrate the experience into your life.
About the Author
By DEBRA ANN - Grief Counselor and Emotional Intelligence Life Coach, The Griever’s Guide will introduce to a writing process created by Debra Ann called Messaging. This process is a healing modality that will transform your life by integrating the emotional waves of grief with balance, ease and integrity.