My First One Hundred Poems

by Robert Ernest Rhines



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/19/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781532047619
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781532047602

About the Book

This is a poetry book I’ve been working on for thirty-five years, and these poems are of real-life events, situations of day-to-day reality.

About the Author

Robert E Rhines currently a carpenter and have been for thirty five years. I've built houses all over Washington state, Oregon state and California state. I currently reside in Arlington Tennessee and live with my two best friends which happens to be six year old German Shepherds named Thelma and Louise. I have been writing poetry for thirty plus years and have decided it was time to share them with the world. I was born in Mesa Arizona in May 1966 and grew up on the Oregon coast. My parents are deceased, though I have family members which are still living, I have always been a loner of sorts. I am however living at my Sister's house here in Arlington Tennessee USA. My girlfriend who I have been seeing for a few months and one of her son's stays with me and she has been a huge inspiration for me to write. We all attend church on Sundays all five of us, as far as being a father of my own children, I have three of my own two boys and they are residing in Washington state and they are ages 34 and 32 and both have children of there own and I am a grandpa six times, and as for my daughter she resides in Oregon state in my home town and the hometown where she was born and still resides, and wanting to be and studying to be a nurse.