Inside my ugly mind

by Jacob Gallegos



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/30/2021

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 260
ISBN : 9781663233233
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 260
ISBN : 9781532074769
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 260
ISBN : 9781532074752

About the Book

WARNING: This book contains pain, mourning, suffering, passion, depression, solitude, rage, deep feelings, and true emotions. This book is not normal, and neither are you. If you cry, breath, feel, and bleed, this is for you. Welcome, friend . . . inside my ugly mind.

About the Author

Jacob Gallegos is a unique minded individual, of fire and against the new cold world. Born in Italy, between the arms of the snowy Alps and under the sheets of fog from the lonely flatlands, with a passion for poetry and a proud author of a new form of detailed and defined, dark type of poetry. After serving in the military, Jacob grew more and more into the idea of releasing a collection of his very own and personal works of writing. He is passionate about his scriptures and how He believes in a new form of poetry. A form that does not hide sexuality and a type that does not fear Going against current. His poetry comes from the heart, from a story, from pain and suffering, From sadness and tears, from anger and despair. His poetry and words have penetrated many readers and his “mode d'être” is revolutionary. The book you are holding is a collection of handpicked poems, created and written by Jacob himself. Jacob defines this as the appetizer, just the beginning of an intense series of books, that will all reconnect, To portray a bigger and final work of art. Please, cøme and look, Inside my Ugly Mind.