My Mother’s Keeper

A daughter’s emotional journey alongside her mother’s dementia

by Marie Elizabeth Randall Chandler



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/9/2020

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9781532097324
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9781532097317
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9781532097300

About the Book

The author shares an emotional journey in tear and fear, the agony of watching her mother suffer an oppressive delirium, attacking and ravaging any rationality, mental disturbances prevalent with those aged. Well into this downward spiral, a grim diagnosis of dementia with probable Alzheimer’s with agitation and ICD, impulse control disorder, was finally established. Written from a daughter’s perspective entangled in the onslaught of the progressive collapse, thrown into a hellish world, her soul poured out, mother and daughter caught between the gates of Hell. For what comes is an affliction destroying those once stable, scholarly and accomplished, capable and competent, gifted and skilled. Though knowing that in this fiery ordeal, the Lord’s hand is in it all. With persevering hope and a sure faith, she faces each harrowed step, relying on the strength of the Lord, seeing through to absolute hope, grounded in the promises of God, knowing healing and restoration will come, His mercy and grace given to those who tread this horrid place.

About the Author