Dream on
Persistent Themes in My Dreams
Book Details
About the Book
Each of these thirty-five short stories comes out of my night dreams or daydreams. The stories are approximately 2,500 words each. They are easy reading, original, and guaranteed to entertain you. Though each story comes out of a dream, they shed some light on my thinking. The stories are not all pretty, but all dreams are not pretty. Some of them are raunchy and will cut you to the bone of your very soul. I included the stories that were born out of nightmares as well. The stories invite you to take an incredible-unforgettable journey with me.
About the Author
Jay Thomas Willis graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University with a B.S. degree in sociology. He also graduated from Texas Southern University with a M.Ed. in counseling, in addition to receiving a MSW in social work from the University of Houston. Willis has held numerous social work positions.