High Alert

by Gregg Stoner



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/4/2021

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 638
ISBN : 9781663214720
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 638
ISBN : 9781663214713
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 638
ISBN : 9781663214706

About the Book

This book is broken down into two basic parts. Part one is how the Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol makes a difference in people’s lives due to their daily duties as volunteers with the San Diego Police Department. The everyday duties of RSVP’s are described in detail by providing interesting stories about each of the categories of jobs. Gregg and his wife Melody set no limits for their time spent going over-and-above volunteer requirements. Part two is about the special equipped license plate reader car that was used exclusively by the author in finding stolen cars, stolen license plates, and cars wanted for felony crimes. Gregg and Melody spent every available moment of their patrol time seeking stolen cars, and in the process became the most successful of all the RSVP volunteers at finding stolen cars setting a record for stolen car recoveries that will probably never be beat.

About the Author

Gregg Stoner is a veteran Marine Corps drill instructor that served in the Vietnam War Era. He spent 32 years in the mortgage industry before retiring. Gregg next became a Retired Senior Volunteer Program officer with his wife Melody. They spent the next five years breaking records in all measurable categories for volunteers.