by Matthew Rowland



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/14/2021

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 492
ISBN : 9781663219848
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 492
ISBN : 9781663219855

About the Book

Hey! Remember me? Sam. Ex-Key Grip turned screenwriter. Do all my own stunts. Even the life-threatening ones that involve the deep state and loaded weapons. Well, as my daughter Hildy says, I’m up to the same old shit. Again. Or as I prefer to call it— Samson Agonistes: The Sequel What’s it this time, Sam, you’re asking? This time, I’m holed up in the pitch-dark desert, looking at the wrong end of a gun, wondering if all the roads in my life are dead ends. This time it’s kids—undocumented ones taken from their parents at the border. This time there’s no way to deny it. This time it isn’t an accident that I’m in over my head. Because this time I fell right into their trap.

About the Author

matthew rowland is a Mid-Westerner who came to Los Angeles to work in the entertainment business. After thirty years of filmmaking, he’s now mostly out of the business. But he still lives in Southern California with his playwright wife and their rescue German shepherds.