Christopher Marlowe: Every Word Doth Almost Tell My Name

27 Essays from The Marlowe Studies

by Cynthia Morgan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/25/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 466
ISBN : 9781663233349
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 466
ISBN : 9781663233356

About the Book

These essays from The Marlowe Studies give the Shakespeare authorship evidence for Christopher Marlowe that has been overlooked by traditionalists resistant to the idea someone other than the Stratford man wrote the works. While the authorship debate continues, the words of Shakespeare himself sit silent on the sidelines. The essays herein bring his words into the spotlight and interpret them within the Marlowe context, so readers can decide for themselves whose autobiography they voice. Whether or not we believe Marlowe was the man behind a pseudonymous Shakespeare name, no invention is needed to see that these sonnets and plays answer our questions about his character, Baines’s Note, a staged death at Deptford, Thomas Walsingham, and the bestowal of the pseudonym. The essays also offer a new explanation for cryptic Sonnet 112, new information about the man who sued Marlowe for assault, a look at the literary similarities between Marlowe and Shakespeare, an examination of the “heretical” papers in Kyd’s room, and an exploration of Marlowe’s Cambridge education that reveals how it shaped his plays and his ideas about religion. Signals for Marlowe being the true author of Shakespeare’s works are found in Ben Jonson’s authorship clues, the clues in As You Like It and Hamlet, and the eighteen clues in the Inductions to The Taming of a Shrew and The Shrew. Evidence is also given for Marlowe’s authorship of Venus and Adonis, the King Henry VI trilogy, and three anonymous plays: Edward the Third, The Troublesome Raigne of King John, and The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth.

About the Author

Cynthia Morgan is an independent researcher who majored in English Literature at San Jose State University. She has been published at Oxford University Press and is the editor/publisher of the online Christopher Marlowe library known as The Marlowe Studies. For the past decade she’s been renovating two 1934 built homes on her property in Nevada City, California. Her previous books include: If You Love Somebody Who Smokes, 10 Foolish Fortune Hunters, Scapegoat and Flying Monkey, and the cookbook One Hand Chopping.