The Brutal Truth about America

by Calvin Smith



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/30/2022

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781663241498

About the Book

The soul reason for writing this book is the fact that a lot of crazy has been going on in this country that’s being allowed to grow out of control. In years past, things were happening that wasn’t good for the country. However, people were held accountable. Also there were guardrails set up to prevent situations from getting out of hand. Today in our society it’s as if you can say, threaten, or do anything you want in this country and in many cases there is no repercussions for hostile acts. For this reason, many in our society today are willing to stretch the boundaries of lawlessness and disrespect without worrying about the consequences they may face. My aim in this book is to inform people how we can change things to turn this negativity around so that we can live in a better America.

About the Author

As Calvin Smith I always referred to myself as the poor boy growing up in Perkins Homes Projects of East Baltimore. However, being raised by a loving and caring mother, Harriet Smith, I adopted the loving, caring, and humble spirit of my mother. She raised me along with my brother and three sisters all by herself on a maid and nursing home salary after the untimely death of our father doing the Korean War. All I’ve ever wanted to do in life is encourage and uplift people to become successful and model citizens in society. My love and concern for people and help steering them in the right direction was put on full display while working thirty-nine years at Bethlehem Steel Sparrows Point Plant here in Baltimore where I served as Department Chairman union official for eleven years. My joy was helping turn people’s lives around that many people had given up on. That comes from God and my beautiful and loving mother Harriet Smith.