Essential writings on history, war, religion, and strategy

by W. Patrick Lang



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/14/2022

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 316
ISBN : 9781663248442
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 316
ISBN : 9781663248435
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 316
ISBN : 9781663248428

About the Book

An anthology of articles, speeches, and commentaries on contemporary affairs by one of America’s leading soldiers, scholars, and spymasters, Col. W. Patrick Lang (USA-ret.). Must-read for anyone wishing to dig deeper into contemporary Middle East history, the twists and turns of the US intelligence community, the Iraq War, the state of Islam, and modern US military strategy. The anthology includes short fiction by the author focused from the epoch of the Crusades and the US Civil War aftermath. Col. Lang is the author of six books, including an historical fiction trilogy of Civil War espionage, a memoir, and a primer on human intelligence. His website has had over 40 million unique visits and hosts an active committee of correspondence.

About the Author

Col. W. Patrick Lang spent 26 years in the infantry, Special Forces, and the Defense Intelligence Agency. He served in Vietnam, as Military Attache in Yemen and Saudi Arabia, and in special assignments in the Middle East. Lang was Defense Intelligence Officer for the Middle East, ran DIA Global Humint, and was the first Professor of Arab Language at West Point. He graduated from Virginia Military Institute (VMI). He is the author of six books, including an historical fiction trilogy on US Civil War espionage, a memoir, a primer on human intelligence, and this anthology of essays and short fiction.