A Decade of Memorable Travels of the Rose Family

1958-1968 A Proud African American Military Family

by Linda Rose Gist



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/19/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 62
ISBN : 9781663258045
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 62
ISBN : 9781663258038
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 62
ISBN : 9781663258045

About the Book

It was 1958 when Gloria M. Rose left the familiarity of her parents’ home in Washington, DC, to travel to Germany with her three young children. There, she reunited with her husband, McKever, who was serving in the US Air Force. This was just the beginning of the family’s adventures. A Decade of Memorable Travels of the Rose Family shares ten years of memorable international and national travel experiences of a young, African American Air Force military family from 1958 to 1968. This includes the forging of many lifelong friendships through cultural immersion overseas while facing the culture of racism back home in the United States. This story, compiled by Gloria’s daughter, Linda Rose Gist, refl ects how the Rose family lived out the fullness of their young lives together. The power of this unshakable family foundation while traveling the global pathway of life was infused by the support of a diverse community of family and friends encompassing shared values and beliefs enriched with plenty of love and laughter.

About the Author

Linda Rose Gist is a US Air Force veteran and retired Senior Policy Analyst from the US Department of Justice. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice from University of Maryland, University College and a Master’s of Science degree in Confl ict Analysis and Resolution from George Mason University. A lifetime learner, she continues studies in correctional ministry with an accentuation on reentry. Linda spends her time traveling, journaling, enjoying live theater with family and friends and being a grandmother to her chocolate drops from heaven.