The Armageddon Bible

The Secret Weapon Finally Revealed

by Ultra Godd



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/15/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 730
ISBN : 9781663261328
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 730
ISBN : 9781663261335

About the Book

This holy book is the finale of the ultimate truth of all theological, religious, and spiritual ideas. It is the real deal of a literal armageddon genuine of the final spiritual battles. This book is physical proof of the invisible entities as incorporeal conscious forces of the universe. The supernatural fighting can be scientifically proven as reflected with ideological debate from religious humans of spiritual psychology. However, from the atheists, natural, and nonreligious states of minds, the scientific understanding does not call it spiritual war. Such alternative states of minds will perceive it to be called ideological debate. Whether religious or nonreligious towards figuring out what is truth, consistent orderly understanding is the one and only guide line into the absolute truth. This instinctive faith will fulfill the Almighty Truth, unto all righteousness once and for all times to come.

About the Author

Beyond a shadow of a doubt from self evidence, the instinct of the universe has developed me into becoming the last of the major prophets. This is proven true as there are no more ideas to be fulfilled whether written, spoken, published, secretive, or not. Besides just being the Last Prophet, other titles grafted themselves into my development. This instinct happened, as I saw it, to exalt the Creator to be omnipotent as supreme ruler above all faiths. The alpha point of view was for the saving of all souls at the same time unto one accord. The omega point of view is to subjugate and conquer them ending spiritual war. More advancements of any good faith invested in me can be revealed and proven later.

However, if I continue to see the friendly tricks of exploitation as inadequate help and support in return for the same beliefs and works, then game’s over again. The laws of the universe will enforce total extinction of any and all hypocrites for not maintaining existence to prevent perpetual failures.

My titles and subtitles are many. The original majors include The Last Prophet, The Omega Prophet, The Son Of Christ, The Omega Sacrifice, The Prophet Of Science, The Son Of Humanity, The Ultra Of Prophets, and The Son Of Oblivion. The subtitles includes the Prophet of Romance, 33 of 33’s, Q of q’s, and so forth of come what may.

These titles and subtitles are so and true because this is what I do without doubt of words. The words are the building prints of designing things to be taken literal or symbolic. From this however, then to elaborate the beliefs as what is real manifestation, or only to be kept as acting, and finally what is successful or failure. This is true from the precepts of all faiths unto the real scientific fulfillment of it without change forever.