by Edward Jesko



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/16/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 174
ISBN : 9781663264879
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 174
ISBN : 9781663264886

About the Book

My husband Edward passed away at home in Oceanside, California on July 20. 2023 where he has lived since 2015. He was compelled to write his autobiography for various reasons, mainly he loved to read and write. In 2006 he published an autobiography titled “A Journey Into Exile” and “The Polish -American”. Unfortunately he did not live to see his book titled “ Hey, Dumb Polak” to be published. For most part this book is autobiographical about enlisting with the US Air Force and time spent in France and Germany. This book is also a collection of his life stories in different times and places as he travels and seen the world and experienced it. In this book he goes into more details than he briefly wrote about it in “The Polish - American”.

About the Author

The author was born in Poland in 1933. Left Poland in 1939 and lived in Mexico and United States until his death in 2023. Loved to travel and enjoyed writing, reading, and painting. He cherished time when enlisted with Air Force. His whole life was challenging and at time troublesome.