Love Sex & Secrets

by Re'Telle Lee



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/25/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 312
ISBN : 9781663264374
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 312
ISBN : 9781663264381

About the Book

This three-part series begins in the year 2005. The story is initially set in South Carolina. It takes you through the journey of a young woman hell bent on surviving this thing called life. She is faced with many difficult decisions that lead her to hurt, pain and heartache. She falls in and out of love and takes you on a ride. Always giving you the raw gritty details of her life; the good and the bad. Learn of her most intimate details and enter her world of love, sex and all of the secrets that she keeps. Can she survive the bruises and strains? Will she find love or heartache?

About the Author

Reā€™Telle Lee is a writer from Charleston, South Carolina. She graduated from Charleston Southern University. She has always had a passion for telling stories through her writing, in works of fiction and poetry. Love, Sex & Secrets is her 1st novel of a 3-part series.