by Salvatore Mamone



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/21/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781663265524
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781663265517

About the Book

One was a grandmother, one was a seven-year-old boy, one was an unemployed salesman, three were doctors, one was a janitor and one was a worker all but one would be dead in 24 hours. Seven of the eight deserve to live but who will it be: the 80-year-old grandmother in excellent health, the 60-year-old senior doctor ready to retire and go to Italy and Franch with his wife to learn to cook. The young Amish man who is leaving the “English” and going back to his Amish family, the 30-year-old pediatrician who the children love and other doctors recommend and who has finally found love. As you read, notice how faith decides. Do read, enjoy, decide, and understand how you are wrong on who will live.

About the Author

Salvatore Mamone has been in the computer field for sixty years and has held senior positions in major international corporations. He is an awarded senior member of IEEE, the most prestigious engineering organization in the world. He was the secretary for a published internation software standard. He is the author of numerous published technical articles as well as numerous large (over 100 pages) corporate documents, including a corporate acquiesce document. He is a Certified Data Professional, Certified System Professional and a Certified International Standards Organization (ISO) Internal Auditor. He has an MS in Computer Science and all but a final dissertation for his PhD in AI. He has taught for over twelve years at three different colleges and he has taught computer in a private K-12 school. He was a member of the NYC committee seeking to bring the summer Olympics to New York City. He also was the North American chair for a international conference held in England. Other books by the author • Teaching Computers in Pre-K Through 8th Grade • The Art of Bridget • Conversation With Myself. A life Well Lived • Succession Sal with his cat Finbar Look for his next exciting novel of love in war Over There