Leading a Growing Church in Uncertain Times
Book Details
About the Book
These are difficult times for churches. Less than half the population in the United States and Canada are now members of any church, and the percentage of people who call themselves Christian or even believe in God is rapidly declining. And yet, churches still have the potential to grow into vibrant, life-giving communities that engage the culture, attract new members, do good works and share the good news of God’s amazing love in Jesus. CULTURE SHIFT surveys the history of a changing culture to explain the conditions which the Church confronts and the challenges it must address. It details three major culture shifts that are impacting the church and then offers a framework for an effective missional response. The heart of the book consists of seven workshops that will be especially helpful to vestries, parish councils, evangelism and church growth committees, or even in a parish forum. Any of the workshops may be used without copyright permission. These workshops include: • Ministry in an Emerging World • Building a Missionally-Effective Church • Change and Paradigms • Marketing the Church • Worship Planning • Building a Better Stewardship Campaign • Diagnostic Tools for Strategic Ministry Planning With his extensive experience in ministering to urban, suburban and rural churches, large and small, Gary Nicolosi is convinced any church can grow if the leadership and members desire to grow and are willing to pay the price.
About the Author
The Rev. Dr. Gary Nicolosi is an Episcopal priest, lawyer, and church consultant. He is the founder and director of the Institute of Law and Religion which focuses on the interaction of law, religion and culture in North American life. Gary has pastored urban, suburban and rural churches, large and small, throughout the United States and Canada. He is the author of three books and hundreds of articles, including two award winning articles on sacramental hospitality. He has led mission conferences in 37 dioceses throughout North America. He has delivered church growth presentations to the Anglican and Lutheran Bishops of Canada and at the Canadian Anglican Editors Conference, and twice been a keynote speaker at Canadian Synods. Gary has served in many diocesan roles including as a two-time deputy to the General Convention of the Episcopal Church. In 1995 he was invited by the Archbishop of Canterbury to participate in the video The Many Faces of Anglicanism. When he served as Congregational Development Officer in the Diocese of British Columbia, he taught a class on congregational development for the Vancouver School of Theology. As Rector of St. James Westminster Church in the Diocese of Huron (Canada), Gary developed the Post Ordination Training Program that trains newly ordained clergy in parish ministry. His sermons are widely disseminated across North America. Although he is now retired, Gary still is active in the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona, serving as an interim rector, doing supply work throughout the diocese, and serving on the Church Disciplinary Board. As a member of the New York Bar, Gary practices pro bono immigration and veterans law, and has a keen interest in elder law and special needs planning. Gary has degrees in philosophy from Fordham University (B.A.) and Georgetown University (M.A.). He received his Juris Doctor from Temple University Beasley School of Law, his Master of Divinity from Trinity College, University of Toronto, and his Doctor of Ministry from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. He lives in Peoria, Arizona with his wife Heather. Their daughter Allison is a happy resident at Treasure House in Glendale, Arizona.