Stories of Morgan Park Military Academy




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/13/2006

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 266
ISBN : 9780595860234
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 266
ISBN : 9780595416806

About the Book

Early morning formations and close-order drill, Saturday afternoon football games and the pure hell of being a plebe. Spit-shined shoes and polished brass, flying flags and fluttering guidons. Sunday parades, full-dress balls, and the never-ending grind of studies. The joy of cars and girls and dreams of youth. And above all, the exciting, confusing, always uncertain adventure of growing up and coming of age.

Sixteen heartwarming, often humorous stories that cover four decades of ritual, custom, and tradition at Morgan Park Military Academy, seen through the eyes of one legendary instructor Capt. Francis S. Gray. For more than forty years, his common sense and stubborn insistence on academic excellence helped generations of cadets through awkward adolescence and into young manhood.

About the Author

By the author of Seasons of Harvest, The Awakening Land, Shadows on the Land, Journey, Unlike Any Land You Know, Coon Creek, and Lonesome Whistle Blow. Jim Vesely was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, and graduated from MPMA in 1957. He and his wife now live in the small village of Corrales, New Mexico. Jim is a member of the Western Writers of America.