This is How it's Done

by Eric McCarty



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/23/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 100
ISBN : 9780595292479

About the Book

This Is How It's Done is a spiritual journey through the depths of the heart of the human soul and spirit. The poems contained within are the very words spoken from the heart of the divine within all of us. This collection reveals the intimate side of spirituality in a way that reaches and touches all who read, bringing to light a greater and more profound understanding of all relationships - between friends, within families, between lovers, within ourselves. This book leads readers in a sacred dance of inspired surrender, of blissful letting go of the ego, and of embracing the truth of love. These are the songs of the spirit; the words of the hidden story within-read, and be brought closer to that light inside that awaits your return.

About the Author

Eric Paul McCarty is a poet and previous author of Does God Have a Hero?: Meditations for Compassionate Living, Celebration of Spirit: Poems, Prayers, and Invocations, A Thousand Sighs: Prayer Visions of The Beloved and Dancing Molecules: An Intimate Dance With The Divine. All published by iUniverse.

Eric can be contacted at He looks forward to hearing from readers and new friends.