Does God Have A Hero?

Meditations For Compassionate Living

by Eric McCarty



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/10/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9780595011438

About the Book

In Does God Have A Hero? Author Eric P McCarty gently guides the reader on a inward journey to discover his own higher wisdom. On this remarkable tour of the soul the reader will discover the joys of a life filled with compassion,wisdom,love and light. With deep insight into the human potential for love and kindness,the author answers "yes indeed God Does Have A Hero"! Each of us has this hero living within,waiting to express these heroic qualities in little ways in everyday life.

About the Author

Eric P McCarty hs been a student of meditation,philosophy and eastern religions for many years. His book, Does God Have Hero? is the result of an inspired self-inquiry. He hopes that his words will inspire others to begin their own inward search for God,tranqullity and compassion.