
The Real Life Story of Star Wars: Episode I-The Phantom Menace

by Jonathan Bowen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/8/2005

Recognition Programs

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 250
ISBN : 9780595671489
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 250
ISBN : 9780595347322

About the Book

In 1999, the first new Star Wars movie in sixteen years came to theater screens worldwide. Leading up to the release of the film, the hype and media coverage reached epic proportions. The Phantom Menace graced every cover from Vanity Fair to Newsweek to Entertainment Weekly. Fans began camping in line for more than a month in Los Angeles just to be first to see the new film.

Anticipation tells the real-life story of a movie that faced expectations unlike those of any other film in history, but had the advantage of years of anticipation and excitement from eager fans and the public. The Phantom Menace deserves a place in film history not only as the most anticipated film ever made, but also for its place as the first film presented to the public with digital projection technology, its status as one of the highest grossing films ever made, and the unbelievable devotion of thousands of fans who demonstrated the great meaning movies can have to people of all ages and social backgrounds.

About the Author

Jonathan Bowen is a life-long Star Wars fan with a passion for writing and film that drove him to tell the story of a remarkable cultural event. Bowen has an extensive collection of prop replicas from the saga. He currently lives in Portland, Oregon after graduating from Oregon State University.