Expectant Fatherhood

What the Women Forget to Tell You

by Scotland Miles



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/26/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 198
ISBN : 9780595412990

About the Book

Expectant Fatherhood; What the Women Forget to Tell You, is a delightful journey through the longest nine months of a man's life-his wife's pregnancy. Tired of falling asleep from trying to read his wife's pregnancy books, Miles, a father of one with one on the way, thumbed his nose at the stuffy pregnancy books, rolled up his sleeves and gave birth to a book of his own. Fatherhood takes a new approach to the subject; written for men, from a man's perspective. Covering all the bases, Miles tells you what to expect from your wife, her doctor, the hospital, and even your in-laws. Filled with humorous anecdotes from his own experiences, and peppered with plenty of facts and figures along the way, Fatherhood is a must-read for every expectant father who hopes to maintain his sanity until the baby arrives. Miles, author of Don't Take Me to Your Leader, Angelina the Martian's Lost Notes on America, gives us more of his unique brand of humor, insight, and dead-on observations that have become his trademark. Expect to be both entertained and informed.

About the Author

Author and Screenwriter Scotland Miles, born in Kansas City, Kansas; has lived in the Midwest; and on both the East and West Coast. He has traveled extensively throughout the world; including Asia, Africa, Europe, the Far East, Canada, and Mexico. He currently resides in Florida with his wife and daughters.