Reflections for the Effective Nonprofit Chairperson

Quotes, axioms and observations to help you lead our important institutions

by Jim Norvell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/12/2001

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781469708263
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 166
ISBN : 9780595208784

About the Book

As a board chair, your most important role is to ensure that those who are asked to invest in its future are investing in a sound organization that is ready to deliver on its promises. You must shape the so that its capabilities meet the organization's needs and so that individual board members have the opportunity to utilize their talents in meaningful roles.

Your first duties are to provide governance that will result in strong, ethical policy and sound financial support for the chief executive and staff. You must have ambition for the organization but allow the chief executive to create and pursue his or her own vision. If you have high public profile and a commanding public presence, you can help with image building and articulation of the executive's goals; if you do not, you can enable others in those roles. The effcetive chair balances the skill and acumen of the staff with the power and authority of the board-a delicate equilibrium between empowering and leading.

With those words Norvell launches you into succinct advice on a range of issues that determine the effectiveness of a nonprofit chairperson. He leavens his observations with the wisdom of famous and near famous individuals that echo his insight. If you are not a better chairperson after reading this book, then you were darn good to when you began.

About the Author

A graduate of UCLA's Anderson School of Mangement, Ji Norvell has conducted successful major fund-raising campaigns for higher education, the arts and healthcare. He founded a successful capital campaign firm and chaired the American Association of Fund-Raising Counsel (AAFRC.) He consults nationally and internationally form his home in Southern california where he is Director, West Coast Operations for Brakeley, Inc, a pioneer in philanthropic fund raising since 1918.