The Split Brain

An Analysis of Schizophrenia

by Sundari Prasad



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/20/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9780595183142

About the Book

For individuals struck with the disorder, schizophrenia is a life-shattering event which curtails careers, breaks up families, forfends any possibility of financial stability, leads to severe physiological, psychological and social impairments, and, in many cases (up to 15% of schizophrenics according to some studies) to death through suicide. Schizophrenia’s impact reaches beyond just schizophrenics and their immediate families. This book is for the families and the constant search for meaning in the madness.

About the Author

Miss Nelson is currently pursuing her PhD in Clinical Psychology. She has experience in researching Manic Depression as well as Schizophrenia. Her interests lay in nutritional research and Schizophrenia.