Buy a Gail Keo Doll




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/8/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 326
ISBN : 9780595269082

About the Book

Meet Gail R. Keo, the most endearing student at Washington State University; for the first 2-years of Gail Keo's and friends' lives at WSU, it was party, sleep late, eat out and more party-during that critical timeframe, Gail discovered something unique about herself and her friends-she was attracted to her close circle of friends because of their personalities and individualities.

Towards the end of Gail's senior year, she decided to become a jet fighter pilot; but first, Gail has to prove how badly she wanted to become a jet fighter pilot-she has to go through three phases of SERE Course (survival, evade, resist, escape) a mandatory course for all flight school candidates.

Read all about the mischievous adventures of Gail R. Keo and friends at WSU, the machiavellian campers at Camp Nameless and the hardship of the SERE Course.

About the Author

Army SGT Rain S. Chetdav is presently serving in South Korea. He also wrote CHINOOK PASS, ACIDRAIN, TELEPORT GYMNASTICS and BAD COMEDY.