A Woman Scorned

by Darrin Lowery



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/6/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9780595436873

About the Book

Deja Gamble is a good woman. She's beautiful, successful and hard working. She works hard in both career and marriage.

Mark Gamble is a handsome, successful and powerful man that is madly in love with his wife.

Mercedes is a beautiful, sexy and calculating woman who not only hates Deja, but also wants Deja's husband in her bed.

Will love and dedication win over lust and seduction? In either case one of these two ladies, will be a woman scorned.

About the Author

Darrin Lowery is a Veteran Author of Erotic Urban Fiction. He holds degrees in Behavioral Science & Public Relations. Darrin is from the south side of Chicago. He presently lives in Justice Illinois and is working on a third degree in counseling at National Louis University.