Still Crazy I, II & III

by Darrin Lowery



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 2/13/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 596
ISBN : 9781440120145

About the Book

Kevin Allen, a successful author from the south side of Chicago is suffering from writers block. In order to renegotiate a new publishing deal, he returns to Chicago from his home in the Carolinas in search of a new story. While in Chicago he rekindles a relationship with his ex, Yolanda. He broke up with Yolanda years ago because she was jealous, possessive and in Kevin's words, "Crazy." Kevin and Yolanda have a steamy love affair that turns his life upside down when he discovers that Yolanda is "Still Crazy." This book is the revamped series that inclues the long awaited sequel to the story that first put Darrin Lowery on the map. Please visit the author's website at or

About the Author

Darrin Lowery is an author from the south side of Chicago. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Behavioral Science and a Masters in Counseling. Darrin has written 12 books. He has been both self published and traditionally published. In 2007, Darrin won the Infini Award for Best Male Author. In 2008, Darrin started his own publishing company, "Weekend Books." Presently Darrin has homes in both Calumet City Illinois and Justice Illinois. Please visit his website at