Beyond Business Casual

What To Wear To Work If You Want To Get Ahead




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/16/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9780595306534

About the Book

"Timely and easy to read will prevent individuals from making image mistakes."
-Bill Bagley, Human Resource & Recruiting Director
Deloitte & Touce-Cincinnati

"Everybody whose appearance matters could benefit from reading this book."
-James R. Canova, President
Tech Electronics, Inc.

"This book answers all the questions college students are afraid to ask and even some they didn't know they had."
-Angelle Bujol, Executive Director
Pi Sigma Epsilon, Inc.

About the Author

Ann Marie Sabath is the author of six books on domestic and international etiquette. Her book,Business Etiquette: 101 Ways To Conduct Business With Charm & Savvy, has been recognized by The Oprah Winfrey Show. Her international business etiquette book series also has been recognized by CNN and Time Magazine along with hundreds of other electronic media. Sabath's Polish For Building Profits' and How To Avoid Sabotaging Your Career Through Business Casual Dress Programs are presented to hundreds of professionals annually.