Business Etiquette in Brief

The Competitive Edge for Today's Professional




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/20/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9781475985948

About the Book

Praise for Business Etiquette in Brief 

“Should be used as an office guideline for business executives . . . 
The tips in this book are essential to creating the image and 
building the type of respect that is treasured by any individual 
in the business world.” 
—John Daw, Regional Director of Sales and Marketing 
Marriott Corporation 

“Provides a foundation for any career ... builds self-confidence and provides important information regarding one’s conduct in a business environment.” 
—Richard E. Putt, Director, National Accounts 
MCI Telecommunications Corporation 

“Excellent! Salespeople - and everyone else in business - can 
benefit from this book.” 
—Bob Persichetti, General Manager 
Cargill Inc./Salt Division 

“Practical, useful, and helpful.” 
—Mary Kay Uleman, Manager, Training and Development 
Bank One, Dayton, NA 

“Informative, user-friendly, and extremely comprehensive. I would particularly recommend this to new graduates as they seek entry into the job market.” 
—Sherree Wilson-Bradley 
Assistant Director of Career and Employment Services 
Indiana University/Purdue University at Indianapolis

About the Author

Ann Marie Sabath is president of At Ease Inc., the corporate etiquette training firm she founded in 1987. Her clients include such prestigious companies as Marriott International, Citigroup, Procter & Gamble, and American Express, among many others, and she has been profiled everywhere from Forbes to the Wall Street Journal and USA Today.