Searching Heaven's Vault

A Magical Fantasy

by Don Beach



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/22/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 224
ISBN : 9780595225996

About the Book

Merlin's enchanted Magic Wand is stolen by an evil magician who desires to be the greatest sorcerer in the universe. Merlin goes on a quest through time and space in his search for his wonderful Magic Wand. This quest involves many exciting adventures in all types of fabulous situations. Houdini gets into the action, the Magic Castle is included, and there is even an episode involving Thayer's, one of the world's great magic shops. It's a humorous fantasy on magic.

About the Author

Don Beach holds a Bachelor and Master of arts in English. Besides being a novelist he is also a poet a singer. He is a magician member of the hollywood Magic castle.