Caught in the Crossfire

Confronted by the Compassionate, Uncompromising Love of God

by Joyce Strong



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/20/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9780595302345

About the Book

Caught in the Crossfire weaves stories of surrender and resistance…a guidebook for those who struggle with God’s will and ways. Joyce has discovered the truth…”

Brenda Davis, former Editor, Spirit Led Woman Magazine

Caught in the Crossfire is about the human heart with its self-centered focus, hidden shame and shattered dreams—yet its deep yearning and incredible hunger for more of the presence of God.

“It is also about God’s heart—always reaching toward us, always loving, always forgiving, always off ering a second chance. I highly recommend it!”

Terry Meeuwsen, Author and Co-host, The 700 Club

“Maybe you are caught in your own personal fi re right now. Will you surrender all your preconceptions and make the hard choices that God’s love demands? Let Elijah’s ancient question pierce you today: “How long will you waver between two opinions?”

(1 Kings 18:21)

Discussion Questions follow each chapter.

About the Author

An inspiring and candid communicator with over 30 years of ministry and leadership experience in the U.S., Joyce Strong now speaks internationally at conferences and leadership seminars in such countries as Russia, England, Kenya, Uganda, India, as well as the U.S. Her passion is to help men and women pursue personal wholeness, integrity and intimacy with God. Joyce may be contacted through her website:

Joyce’s other books include: Journey to Joy, Lambs on the Ledge; Instruments for His Glory; Leading with Passion and Grace; Of Dreams and Kings and Mystical Things; and A Dragon, A Dreamer and the Promise Giver. Several of her books are also available in other languages.