Dead Light

A Novel

by Robert A. Gallinger



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/28/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 286
ISBN : 9780595210961
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 286
ISBN : 9780595740895

About the Book

During a violent September thunderstorm, a man's body falls from the Sabakina Tower, and crashes into the garden outside the Kremlin walls. Colonel Vladimir Antonovich from the SID, Special Investigations Department, rushes to the scene with his partners, Kulick and Frunze. At the wall, they discover that the man has no identification, but he does have a note in his hand, badly smudged from the rain. Since there's a hole in the man's head, and no gun is found, interesting questions arise. Did the man shoot himself and someone picked up the gun and ran off with it, or did someone else shoot him, and then push him over. As Colonel Antonovich investigates, he finds that there have been other suicides recently, most handled by the Militia. Strangely, the families of all of them are missing. Soon, he discovers that the family of the man found outside the Kremlin wall is missing, too. Antonovich also finds a trail of illegal exit visas, evidence of laundered money, multiple cases of unlawful death, and the questionalbe disposition of nuclear waste. Now, he must find out who is reponsible before anymore "suicides" are found, or somebody makes a bomb from waste.

About the Author

Robert A. Gallinger served over forty years in the Army and as a DA/NSA civil servant. He was posted to Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia, and served twice in Vietnam. He has three published novels, SUFFER THE FOOL, NO TIME TO DIE, AND DEADLY ENCOUNTERS.