A Debt of Honor

A Novel

by Robert A. Gallinger



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/9/2002

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 310
ISBN : 9780595740871
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 310
ISBN : 9780595210978

About the Book

In 1986, because of Secretary General Gorbachev's "glasnost" policies, an ever increasing number of cases of bribery, embezzlement and other economic crimes surface throughout the Soviet Union. Many high-level government officials are already in a gulag because of their alleged involvement in the Uzbek Cotton Affair, where millions of rubles have mysteriously disppeared. Now, together with the money problem, nuclear scientists start to disappear.

Investigator Colonel Vladimir Antonovich is tasked to stop the flow of nuclear scientists, whether they are voluntary or otherwise. As part of a special committee, Vladimir prepares a trap to catch the bureaucrat(s) that might be involved. Before it is over, many on the special committee are dead, and more scientists have been kidnapped, including Aleksandra, Vladimir's wife, who is also a nuclear scientist.

World leaders are frightened by the prospect of nuclear scientists ending up in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan or other countries where terrorists seek mass-destruction capabilities. Colonel Antonovich forms a tiger team, and rushes for the Sheremetyevo airport, where he suspects his wife and other scientists are being held. The question now is, will he get to them before they are shipped out of country for good?

About the Author

Robert A. Gallinger served over forty years in the Army and as a DA/NSA civil servant. He was posted to Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia, and served twice in Vietnam. He has published several novels, NO TIME TO DIE, SUFFER THE FOOL and DEADLY ENCOUNTERS.